There is nothing more mysterious and wonderful to a young child than fireflies. Fireflies, how they thrill a youth when first seen in early spring. They carry their lanterns around with them, those little nocturnal insects. We never quite outgrow that awe and wonder at the mysteries and glories of nature, but as we grow older it becomes less magical to us.Those fireflies remind us of our youth, and inspite of ourself we still feel some of the old excitement at the sight of them as we once did. We remember how we use to chase them, and catch them, and watch them glow in our hand.
However, when we grow older many of us begin to think of fireflies as just plain old bugs. The magic goes out of it for us. None can tell just when it happens, but one day we wake up and the mystery has gone out of life.
When little things such as fireflies no longer excite us, we have lost something. Happiness is a nebulous thing, and I suppose one might say that for a child at a certain age at the right time of year, happiness is a firefly.

Little Firefly
Firefly, firefly, up in the sky,
Night's not the same without you, little firefly.
Firefly, firefly, up in the sky,
Won't you come out tonight, little firefly?
Firefly, firefly, up in the sky,
I would be so happy to see you, little firefly.
Firefly, firefly, up in the sky,
Won't you come out tonight, little firefly?
Firefly, firefly, up in the sky,
I long for a visit from you, little firefly.
Firefly, firefly, up in the sky,
Won't you come out tonight, little firefly?