It is not enough just
to live. We must strive for some
ideal. Some everlasting urge
keeps us from being quiescent.
Some prod older than the mountains
spurs us on. Creation is not
finished with us. We are needed in
the continuous expansion.So we
eat and sleep and occupy ourselves
with this or that trifle, yet
restlessness stirs within us.
There are horizons still to
command our view, worlds yet to
conquer and stars to follow, hopes
to crown and ideas to make bloom,
wrongs to right and evils to stamp
out, darknesses to be lighted up
and societies to

birds sing
sweetest in the morning. They
surely greet the day with
exuberance. Perhaps we could take
a cue from them. Morning and the
sun rises and a new day begins.It
is something to sing about.
life begins anew every morning,
and we are not the same person we
were yesterday. Morning gives us
another chance as it hands us the
keys to another day. Yesterday's
mistakes went and washed into an
interminable sea, and we will
never pass their way again.
morning is oblivious of yesterday
as it is new, fresh, and hopeful.
That is what the birds are trying
to say. They know the glory of
morningtime. Morning is ripe with
new opportunities, and anything is
possible then.
We die in our
sleep a little every night, and
every morning we are born again.
Morning is an eternal process. All
creatures would die of despair if
there were no morning, and the
world were perpetual day or
perpetual night.
Awakening, that
is a miracle in itself. Having the
gift of another day, a whole new
day of our own to live, that is a
blessing worth more than all the
gold in the world. Morning
inspires the birds to sing as they
seem aware of how precious life
is. We have much to learn from the
gentle birds.

Wait For The Dawn
The darkest night will end,
A shattered heart will mend,
And our worst fears will be gone,
Wait for the dawn.
No matter how long the night.
The daylight will be bright,
And our life will go on,
Wait for the dawn.
Give not in to despair,
We can survive if we dare,
To the night be not a pawn,
Wait for the dawn.