My Attempt At Poetry-Three
Leaves The leaves
in time fall. The leaves of
Spring I love to see. The leaves
of fall Some sadness bring, but
beauty Exists even then. Life they
portray true to form Of that of
men; Pass, pass away, Blown by the
 Peace In His
Word do I find There is peace for my
mind. Dear Lord what would I do In
this life without you?
How could I
ever live Without the hope you
give? You do my life restore. You
are my only door.
I find in you
the joy, The love without
alloy. You are the only One, You
are God's only Son.
In life I know
you are there. Dear Lord I know you
care. There is no one but you To
take my troubles to.
 Near To God Near me there the stream it flowed, And nearer still the wind it blowed, And song I heard like never heard, The gentle song, the song of the bird.
The mountain so tall it stood, And all about was covered with wood. so pure and sweet was the air That swirled and passed round me there. The woodland friends came to me, And the forest creatures I could see. A place so fine I nought would leave. A place near to God I believe.  Microscopic Worlds Below the surface view Into the world of a drop of dew, Inside a living cell Of the wonders no person can tell;
Within a speck of light, Into the realms beyond sight, The gracious beauty there In worlds smaller than a hair.
 A New Day Awake! Awake! The songbird does sing. Arise! Arise! The breeze does blow. Sweet tidings the sunshine does bring As my bedroom wall does glow.
Morning and I'm alive this day. Morning and I may rise again. Another day to work and play, Another living day among men,
With all the hope and joy that can come, All the sights and sounds I may hear. The gift of a new day comes from The God I love and revere.
 I Love The Lord My heart does cry aloud, Gone from me is the cloud, And freely do I sing, In my heart the joy does ring.
I am saved from sin I sing again and again. Let everyone know That I love my Lord so; That in Him I am free, That in Him is victory. Dear the love that He has shown, Dear the peace that I have known.
 Teardrops Jewels sparkling, shining bright, Blurry visions impair the sight; Teardrops falling down the cheek, What the tongue cannot speak:
Nectar from the cup of life Full to the brim of love or strife, Which seeps both bitter and sweet, To crown joy or drown defeat;
In happiness warm and fair, A blessing to know they are there; While in sorrow damp and cold, From agony to unfold;
Beauty through their sparkling sheen When from joyous eyes they are seen; From sad eyes all is dreary, Teardrops making life bleary;
Teardrops of despair and woe Over the wounds do ebb and flow, healing the pain in their way, A balm in their soothing spray;
An essence of life they are, An almost heavenly shower. Falling as they ever will In moments of good and ill.
 A Child's Prayer Childlike she spoke, Simple enough were her words, But she through the clouds broke With sweeter music than birds.
Heaven above At her words must surely smile, Her heart so full of love Dwells with angels for a while.
Wisdom so clear Comes from her lips so tender. Unto her God is near, He all His love does lend her.
 With Feeble Words With feeble words I do speak. And though my words and I are weak, Dear God I speak with all my heart What feeble praise I may impart.
You dwell near and hear me call, You are my God, my friend, my all; You hallow my days with your love, And give what is good from above.
The worst in me You forgive, And give me new chances while I live. You know all my thoughts, all I do, You know what is false, what is true.
You control every hour, My life, my soul are in Your power. Mornings, You awake me with light, And give me peace to sleep at night.
 The Cheerful Person
She always wore a smile, Her eyes were always bright, She was happy all the while, She made everything seem all right, She was cheerful as could be, A happy person was she.
The sun did always shine When she would come around. She made everything fine, For she no bad things ever found. Everything that was near Did give unto her cheer.
To her with each new day She expected ever That some good would come her way, And she was discouraged never, But hope she carried in her heart, And it never did depart.
 The Compassionate Man
To others belonged his heart, He gave them every part. He was not a selfish man, Not his own willful way ran;
But he saw the need of others, He had love for his brothers, He had pity for the poor, He wished others had more;
He felt the pain the sick did bear, It was in his heart to care; For the suffering he did feel, He understood their ordeal; He helped whereever he could, He was always doing good, He helped everyone, Was uncaring unto none;
He comforted with Christian love, Self desire he was above, He helped all those in need, The poor and hungry he did feed;
Unto the needy he did go, Did cry at another's woe, Ever in his heart did hold A love for others untold.
 Memories Of Our Loved Ones
In thinking on the past Memories of our loved ones do last, One forgets enemies, Embarrassments fade away, Forgotten are miseries, But memories of those we love do stay; Fear one may not recall, Not remember at all, Hatred forgotten be, Sickness may not be thought of, All thoughts of mistakes may flee, But one recalls those they love;
One may forget the cold, forget much growing old, forget the burning sun, Forget the storms passed by, Forget those things left undone, But memories of those we loved never die; The mind forgets the bad Hides away all things sad, The tears of long ago Are forgotten in the mind; Much one may cease to know But memories of our loved ones ever find.
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