It Is A Beautiful World
It is a beautiful
world. This beauty is not just for
the eyesight alone, but down deep
within everything. This beauty is
apparent in the songs of birds, in
mothers' loving their young, and
in the coolness of evening time.
It is physical evidence of the
divine that emits beauty to our
hearts.This divinity exists in
everything, and is part and parcel
of all we know. Our senses are
constantly taking in an abundance
of beautiful impressions. The
world is rich with treasure
allright, but not the kind bought
and sold. Beauty is intangible,
for it exists in the individual
perception. We cannot evoke beauty
except through the thought
channels. Truly beauty is a thing
man cannot get his hands on and
hoard, or cannot obtain
illicitly. When our heart ceases
to accomodate beauty, all the
lovely sights, sounds, and words
cannot secure beauty for us.
Beauty is a state of mind, and as
such knows no boundaries save
those we place on it. If we
believe all is ugly and cruel
everything will seem so, If we
doubt anything is beautiful, then
even our senses may not be able to
persuade us otherwise. Our
instincts told us the world and
life was beautiful long before we
even knew how to say so
Living With
peopleWe are
all in this together. Life and
death, and pain and woe, happiness
and sorrow are things we all
have in common. We must share the
world, must be willing to give of
our time to others, must have
understanding, forbearance, and
patience to prevent alienation. We
must give up some things for the
sake of other people.We must be
able to give up our little
pleasures and
little vices and make it a better
world in spite of ourself. No one
gains from renunciating people.
The day is long when we have no
friends. Labor is twice as hard
when we have malice in our
heart. We cannot go far and we
tire easily when we lack the
capacity to love others. Strength
lies in compassion. We win the day
if we care for others. See where
the sunlight falls, it is on the
face the person who has love. Only
darkness compasses the the one who
hates. Beauty is virtue's flower.
Happiness is the flower of love.
It was true two thousand years
ago, and it will be true two
thousand years from
My Love
If I should ever have
the supreme honor and privilege of
finding love, I would bring my
love the sunshine every morning,
and a cup of fairest dew to sup. I
would her hair with roses deck and
place the moonbeams 'round her
neck. I would steal a bit of
starlight and place it on her
cheek, and catch a golden raindrop
and place it in her heart.I
would buy her a rainbow to put
over her shoulders, and the blue
sky above I would give her for my
love. I would sing her love songs
in the night, and bring her melody
in her dreams. I would cool her
brow with the wind, and whisper I
love you in the breeze. I would
have the birds to sing for her,
and the bells to ring for her. I
would have her never know sadness,
nor bitterness, nor woe, but ever
know of my love. In my arms I
would hold her from all the
ravages of time. She would be my
pearl, my riches, my love, my
life. I would find her eyes ever
my joy, and ever look into them
with my love. I would touch her as
if i were touching something
precious, and ever feel that she
was something divine, something
beyond mere flesh and blood. Oh,
if she loved me and I loved her
just think how wonderful life
would be. I almost believe such a
thing could not happen, but if it
should I would never again doubt
the goodness of life. she would be
my goodness
Love Is Its Own
RewardThere is only
one thing more wonderful than to
be loved, and that is to love.
Love is its own reward. By loving
we save ourselves from the horrors
of hate. Imagine how dark the
hearts of people would be if there
were no love. Take all the love
out of the world, and we would not
survive the day.There is so
much in opposition to love in the
human heart. such things a hate,
fear, jealousy, envy, anger,
pride, and distrust war against
the love in our heart. Love has to
be right else nothing is
right. Evil, the darker side of
people, seems to dominate the
world at times. People often
exhibit hostility with their
frowns and scowls. People are
often gruff and impatient, and we
begin to think it may be all a
dream, this business about love.
We begin to think that maybe love
exists only in fairy tales, and
not in everyday life in the common
workaday world. At the end of a
trying day it is difficult to
believe there is any such thing as
love, but rather a dog eat dog
world. Somehow, someway, however
some portion of love enters our
heart, someone is kind to us,
someone smiles at us and pats us
on the back, someone pays us a
compliment, someone goes out of
their way to help us, and we
manage to subdue our despair and
believe and hope
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works available upon request
