The most intolerable of all pests is that tormenting insect, the mosquito. The audacity of those fiends is beyond words. They often attack in swarms, and while we are batting one off our arm, another is darting for our forehead. They are difficult to swat, are lightning fast, and are tough little critters to demolish.
I suppose his
lop-sided position was natural for
him. The nuthatch scooted about in
that unnatural fashion intent on
his business, which apparently was
to catch any unwary insect who
happened to be in sight. His head
he kept continually down, and
indeed it seemed he never lifted
it to even look around. He moved
quickly about the tree upside-down
and every which way with as much
ease as creatures move about the
ground. After entertaining me with
his acrobatic circus performance,
he flew off to do his act on
another tree.
The land tortoise or turtle is not the fastest creature in the world. He lumbers along very slowly, but he generally gets where he is going anyway. The tortoise carries a waterproof shelter right on his back. He has his own private camping outfit in the form of his shell. His shell not only protects him from the weather, but it is also a fine protection from predators.
I can testify to
countless painful stings which
they have inflicted on me for no
good reason, without provocation,
and without warning. There is no
getting along with those
bad-tempered, ill natured
creatures. Somebody should do
something about wasps. They should
not be allowed to fly around free.
When a member of society shows
such a pronounced disregard for
the welfare and rights of others
they should be
incarcerated. They have the gall
to inhabit our houses, barns, and
sheds yet. Why don't they go into
the woods where they belong? It is
almost as if they enjoy tormenting
people. For their size they
exhibit tremendous courage, and in
fact reckless abandon, daring, and
bravado one cannot help but marvel
at somewhat. They actually appear
to look for trouble. Touchy, are
they touchy! Just walk in their
vicinity, and here they come
angry, and all set for a
fight. However even wasps have their place in the scheme of things, and have a right to exist. Their beneficial aspects far outweigh their annoying tendencies. After all they are just protecting their home, and I am the interloper and trespasser. Though I think they could be just a little less aggressive and belligerent.
In the course of a lifetime we are likely to encounter a skunk or two. The skunk is not by nature an aggressive creature. He is not given to rude behavior unless provoked. We do not often see a skunk, but generally discover where he has been. The skunk occasionally leaves his odoriferous trail plastered in the air, and for hours the telltale odor denotes his having passed by that way.
Truly it was a notable
occurrence. My stopping to listen
was as worthwhile as anything else
in life. The odds are I will never
lay eyes on him, or he on me, but
I heard his voice, and thus I know
that he lives. That is better than
not knowing him at all. That is
better than nothing. That is
better than silence. The night
seemingly swallowed up him, sound
and all, as the silence reigned
supreme. To his refuge in the deep
woods he no doubt retired, or
perhaps he merely retired within
himself perched on his sturdy limb
reposed in the warmth of his
feathers from the chilled night
air as the stars twinkled
"Hoot, hoot", says the owl, "Hoot, hoot," says the owl, "Hoot, hoot," says the owl,
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