The Beautiful Soul
When clouds
me and I am ill at ease, I think
of her with the beautiful soul.
There always seems to be a dearth
of such persons in the world. Her
tenderness softens and smooths her
aspect. The effect of the thought
of her is at once pleasing. To
meditate on her is a journey into
the divine.She is that ideal
which can never be paid too much
homage. She is that perfection
which can never be fully
appreciated. She is a purity which
can only come from God. She
personifies love in every word and
action, and in every particle of
her being. She is already that
perfection for which our race
aspires, and may reach in some
distant millennium. She is what we
all are meant to be. She is more
spirit than mortal. That she
exists among us in this throng of
fools, knaves, and bestial hearts
is a never ceasing wonder. How
we should treasure her, and heap
praise upon her. She has come
among us in her gentleness, and we
are given a glimpse of heaven in
human form. We are blessed with
the beholding of that ideal grace
and beauty which is only hinted at
in our best thoughts. I think it
not unrealistic to believe that
she could do no hurt. Her hands
were formed to aid and minister,
to soothe and allay, and not to
wound or inflict. Her voice was
formed to inspire and redeem, and
not to scold or abuse. It is not
in her to slight or maltreat.
There is nought about her to
dislike. She could in no way
inspire anger. It would be more
natural for water to gravitate
uphill, than for her to appear
unseemly. Her purpose in life is
good, and her reason for living
the well being of others. Her
modesty does not permit her even
the common vanities. Though she
outshines the sun in elegance, she
has the humility of a
Loving Someone
The sole
purpose of our life is in loving
someone. By loving someone we are
saved from becoming selfish,
cruel, vindictive creatures who
are greedy and heartless. Thereby
we make the ultimate sacrifice,
that of giving up ourself to
another, that of taking a chance
on someone else, that of taking a
chance on being hurt.From
making this seeming sacrifice we
gain all that is good and
beautiful, we reap a share of the
glories of heaven before we die,
we glimpse what is hidden to those
who hate and lovers of self, the
ecstasy of unconditional
love. We are given a glimmering
sense of what the angels must feel
when we love. From love accrues
the prosperity and salvation of us
as human
Love Is What The Poet Feels
Love is what the poet
feels, Love is his way
out, While others cast
about, He before the throne of
love kneels.In the day, in the
night, Love does hold him
sway, He is in love to
stay. Love is his only
light. The stars up in the
sky Speak to him of
love, And every cloud
above Does make a poet
sigh. Love is his world you
see, Out on every hand He
sees love in the land. His
whole world is beauty. Love is
his companion Everywhere he
goes, For it is love he
knows, For he and love are
The Past
The past cannot be altered. The past is held in a state of eternal suspension, the words and deeds live there frorever, the events were and nothing can undo them. The past is like an old picture, it changes not. Only the present has power for change, and that change is only a breath as the present continually feeds the past.Events such as the assassinations of presidents Lincoln or Kennedy stare back at us like an old monogram, and cannot be changed. The pages of history having been written cannot be rewritten. The past can be analyzed and interpreted over and over, but the one true happening stands until the end of time. Life is a chain of events. We exist because certain events did or did not happen. The past cements those sequences of events indefinitely. We may refer to them, reflect about them, reminisce about them all we wish, but we cannot change even one little thing. Our powers stop with this second, and cannot go back even an instant. The invisible gate locks and what has happened is secured forever. The past is sealed and we cannot interfere. What has occurred is over with, and though it may have effects upon the future, the specific action which took place can never be repeated again identically. Things will not be, and cannot be the same today as they were yesterday. Something is always different. Today grows out of yesterday, and today is always new. It is a rushing wave, this now, that sweeps us along unceasingly from birth to death. We are never really conscious of now until it is past, for by the time we have thought about it, now has become the past. We blink our eyes now, but by the time we have thought about it a few seconds have past, and that blinking of our eyes has become a part of history, and though a million years may pass the fact can never be altered that on a certain day at a certain time we blinked our eyes. It does not matter whether events are witnessed or not, they still take their eternal place in the record book of time in the universe. There is not a leaf that falls to ground, not an ant that scurries underfoot, not a pebble tossed in a stream, and not a drop of rain that does not have everlasting significance.
The following wonderful words were written by Ann. After visiting my page recently Ann sent me an email expressing her thoughts regarding my writing above, "The Past". I asked Ann's permission to share her beautiful thoughts with others by placing them on my page. Thank you Ann for permission to place your eloquent words on my page.Ann's Thoughts I wanted also to
thank you for putting "The Past" into words. It so
closely echos what I feel, though I could never do it
the justice that you have. Whenever I watch the
sunrise, which is often, I always think that this new
day is a brand new page in life's book. Yesterday's
page has been turned, but what was written there will
remain throughout
eternity.....unchanged.......forever. Today's page,
however, is still blank, just waiting for each of us
to write upon it what we will. I try to ask myself
what I will write for my life today. The answer, of
course, doesn't always come easily, but if I can try
to make every single minute count, so that not one
page has been wasted then I will know that I'm
"living" and not merely waiting to die ~Ann~ Ann is a wonderful artist and you may view her beautiful artwork at her website-Please visit Ann's site at--Ann's Art: A Work In Progress
Golden MomentsWhat is I seek as the hands of the clock wind round? A heart pleasing sight, a heart pleasing sound, Fairer threads from which to weave thoughts more fair, And golden moments woven from the golden air, And that I can lift my eyes and see, Hope and love and sweet tranquillity.
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